GSR offers three different coatings to adapt the cutting tools to your specific manufacturing conditions:
Titanium nitride coating (TiN)
The TiN coating has been the first choice for coating taps for years and has also established itself as an “all-round” coating. The coating reduces the coefficient of friction and the tendency to cold welding.
Aluminium titanium nitride coating (AlTiN)
The AlTiN coating is used especially for high cutting data. The high hardness of this coating in combination with its resistance to oxidation at high temperatures enables demanding cutting operations in which extreme temperatures are generated both at the cutting edges and by chips flowing off. It can therefore be used with minimum quantity lubrication up to dry machining.
Chrome aluminium coating (AlCro)
Die AlCro Beschichtung bietet hohe Härte in Kombination mit ausgezeichneter Temperaturbeständigkeit und Duktilität. Sie hat sich bei Zerspanungsoperationen hervorragend bewährt und sorgt für bessere Werkzeug-Standzeiten und hohe Oberflächenqualitäten.